Julia Roberts: how to gain 6,000 Euros per second

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Julia Roberts has carried out San more profitable Valentin of history. The actress pocketed 3 million dollars (almost 2.3 million Euros) to appear 6 minutes in her last film Histories of San Valentin. Throwing accounts a second in screen of the Roberts she leaves to the friolera 6,000 Euros, that is to say, a million of the deceaseds already almost forgotten pesetas.
According to she reveals a information published by New York Magazine three days were enough to him to the protagonist of Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich to complete his paper of Captain Kate Hazeltine, an official of the army that leaves Iraq and that travels until Los Angeles to see its son the Day of San Valentin. Its appearance is of only six minutes and by each of them it pocketed 368,000 Euros, about 6,000 Euros per second of action.

Besides the cost per minute, the American magazine went further on and even got to calculate to how much it promoted in this film each word that left the mouth of Roberts. The result is far from negligible the extreme one of 12,000 dollars (little more than 8,800 Euros) by word.

That yes, director of the film Gary Marshall, that already worked with Roberts in Pretty Woman and Novia to the flight, acceded to pay to the actress his astronomical emoluments in full knowledge that its participation in the film would attract the attention of the star legion that wanted for its tape.

We remember that, besides Julia Roberts, in Histories of San Valentin also they appear names of the stature of Ashton Kutcher, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, Shirley MacLaine, Jessica Bienne, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Bradley Cooper or Taylor Lautner.
source : European press