Naomi Campbell, the fugitive one

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Naomi Campbell has become to put in messes. The Goddess of Ebony returned to untie its wrath with one of its workers. Her victim, this one time, has been a conductor to whom the model attacked by the back causing to him strong contusions in the face. She does not content with attacking to him, the model escaped of the car and it occurred to the flight. 

The Police of New York looked for Tuesday Naomi Campbell to interrogate it after his driver accused the British model it to have attacked.

According to declarations of the agents, Campbell, of 39 years, would have stuck the driver of the vehicle in which it was from the back. Later, the model left the car and it occurred to the flight.

The conductor, of 27 years, that he has preferred not to identify itself, explained the Police that gathered to Campbell in its hotel of Manhattan to take it to its studies in Queens. In a while of the trip, the model, without reason some, behind struck the conductor, causing who this one was struck with the head against the steering wheel.

“The conductor said that small moratón and the swelling under their right eye had been caused by her”, the police in an official notice informed. “We want to speak with her”, added.

According to declaraiones of the spokesman of the model, Campbell is arranged “to collaborate voluntarily with the Police, although it added that there are more details than what it is appraised at first.

Hurried conclusions would not have to remove. He is not everything so simple”, affirmed in an official notice.

In 2008, juzagado of London sentenced to the communitarian model to 200 hours on watch after declaring itself guilty to attack two policemen after an airline lost part of its luggage.

Campbell also passed five days mopping floors and cleaning baths as it leaves from a sentence in New York in 2007, when it sent a movable telephone to his mistress of keys during an heated discussion.

In a previous incident, the model also got to attack with another movable telephone to one of its assistants, Georgina Galanis. The model declared aggression culprit and accepted to pay to Galanis a sum to him of money like indemnification and to go to treatment to control its strong character.

Source : EP