Britney Spears has returned it has made and it to remain. Although never it stopped working, the certain thing is that the singer has happened through years of scandals, rumors and controversies that seem to have arrived at their aim. And it is that, everything aims at that, the one that outside Princess of the MGP has made examination of brings back to consciousness, and wants to return to be the one that was.
Back they were its crazy nights of celebrations next to Paris Hilton, its activities in which was it disoriented and without knowing how what to do, its continuous fights with its ex- husband by the safekeeping of its children, their entrances and exits of rehabilitation clinics and their aspect neglected. Now Britney returns to recover its life.

It does more than one decade that a youngster dressed colegiala revolutionized the world of the MGP to the rate of “Baby one dwells Time”. Britney Spears was called and came with desire to eat the world. It recorded several discs, it rolled a film and it was advertising image of several companies fashionable and announcements. But it seems that the fame came something to him great and ended up quickly living much more than it had. With only 23 years one married with the dancer Kevin Federline, of whom would divorce soon after, not without first to have had together two children.
All this I take to him to pass several Anas horribilis in which it was seen a Britney much more unwell, many crazy celebrations, stays in chemical decontamination clinics and fights by the safekeeping of its children, took who it to fall in the forgetfulness of the discográficas and musical producers.

But now, two years after all that one, it seems that Britney
returns to have reasons to smile. Its last single “3”, has secured number 1 in the lists of successes of average world, it has a new love to visata, and the Billboard magazine has crowned it like the artist more sexy of the MGP, in front of other great ones like
Beyoncé, Rihanna or Shakira.
In case this outside little, fashionable company/signature “Candie's” has trusting in her so that it is the image of his last campaign, for which it has been immortalized by three photographers of exception: Annie Leibovitz, Mark Seilger and Terry Richardson, who has known to again remove pícaro and to the more sensual side from the Spears that as much likes.