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Jennifer Lopez and Rodrigo Santoro, love outside the screens?
Jennifer Lopez and Rodrigo Santoro, love outside the screens?
Jennifer Lopez follows in proceedings of divorce with Marc Anthony, after 7 years and a contract between both, its relation has arrived at its aim, but its personal life does not affect to him in the professional, reason why expect is put completely in its new film “What to when you plows expecting”.
image source: www.hoymujer.com
But as they say, a nail, acquittal another nail. One does not know if the romance of JL and Rodrigo Santoro transfers the screens, but it has been to them together enjoying hours in Atlanta, Georgia, where scenes of their next film are rolling.
We must have patience to see how history between both evolves, and like no, to see its new film in the cinemas, but at the moment, we can see that Jennifer Lopez is so handsome as always, and even more.