It is certain that the “celebrities” and the great actors always have been a datum point for the new generations. We have compiled a few examples of how some great names of the classic cinema the films that they have carried out have supposed an authentic landmark in the world of the fashion.
The young British actress Mulligan Sea turtle already surprised days ago with her new haircut, very similar to which also shone Mine Farrow in years 60. While they insist on baptizing it like the new Audrey Hepburn, the certain thing is that, with its right haircut, the physical similarity of the name Briton to better actress revelation and Mine Farrow is spectacular.
Like her, several are the actors who have followed the wake of great figures of the classic cinema. Among them, they emphasize names of the stature of George Clooney or Denzel Washington. The new generations and the youngest actors of the industry of the cinema have not either been able to resist to follow the tendencies and look of their models to follow.

Robert Pattison, to that they compare much already with the James Dean of “Rebel without cause” and
Sienna Miller, who incarnated to Edie Sedgwick in “Factory Girl” cutting
melena to shine a hair to the boy who also Lucia musa of Andy Warhol, is some of the examples.
Between most veteran,
Brad Pitt has an amazing similarity with another one of the great actors of Hollywood,
Robert Redford. Both actors share the same taste at the time of dressing, as well as
practically identical factions: a chin very marked, to an almost perfect nose and clear eyes that they have melted to more than one. In addition, its color of hair is very similar.
Other reasonable similarities are the one of the actor of films like “Training Day” or “Hurricane Carter”,
Denzel Washington, with jovencísimo Sidney Poitier, that received a honorary Oscar by its race in 2002; or the one of ex- 'unmarried of Oro'
George Clooney with another one of the great conquerors of the cinema, Cary Grant. 
Between our actresses he emphasizes the similarity of Penélope Cruz with Sofia Loren, mainly since in “Returning” Almodóvar he extended the decollete to him and he would put a detachable buttock to him. Others also are had bold to compare to our more international actress with the protagonist of “Breakfast with diamonds”, Audrey Hepburn.
Seen the sight, present ours 'celebrities' does not doubt in retaking the style of great the classic ones of the cinema to turn it into present tendency. Or in you haircut or styles at the time of dressing, the classic thing never happen fashionable and, now, it is the more to the last one that never.