The plastic surgery seems to be a subject taboo for the women who carry out the covers of the magazines. Many are shielded in the physical exercise and the diet to justify their good aspect, although the suspicions always are there. Madonna and Demi Moore comprise of that nourished group that declares defender of the natural beauty… although they do not create all it.
Lately Madonna shines a face that, by the smoothness of the skin, seems that it had remained suspended in the adolescence. He frees of all wrinkle, he polishes and hydrated, the artist can be conceited to have a resistant face to the passage of time.
But the singer of Hard Candy does not refuse to keep awake beauty products that use, and either admits to have put under aesthetic surgery. And this excessive secrecy does not make but increase the rumors on a possible passage of the artist by the operating room. The experts think that the most feasible option is than lifting of lazo', of half an hour has been put under a called treatment 'of duration and that the session is offered in clinics of Beverly Hills to 4,800 Euros. During the procedure, a small cut in the lobe becomes of the ear, through what it is introduced in weaves implants soluble.
This 'lifting of lazo' would eliminate without problems the wrinkles of the face, reason why it seems a good solution for Madonna. Clear that she refuses to admit it: “I am not against the plastic surgery, I only am against speaking of her”.
Although, no matter how much it avoids to speak it, it is difficult to believe in a natural evolution of its skin, because its face will be immaculate but their hands and arms are plagued of wrinkles. No matter how much it tries to hide it, the passage of time is reflected in other parts of the body less showy, but even so visible.
One does not have wrinkles and to another one they appear to him suddenly
A similar case is the one of Demi Moore, although on the contrary. After years shining a perfect and free skin of defects, in thing of two months the face of Demi seems to have aged a few years.
The past August we could see it in the celebration of a magazine without wrinkle some in its face, whereas in their last appearance of this month the lines of expression cover the chin, the eyes and the nose to him.
Like Madonna, Demi either does not recognize to have happened through the operating room. According to newspaper NY Daily the actress assures that “it is completely false, I have never done it to me (the aesthetic surgery). But never she would judge to that they do yes it; if he is the best thing for them, I do not see the problem”.
The protagonist of Striptease maintains that it does not like the idea to operate to stop the passage of time, because considers a form to fight the neurosis. “The bistoury you will not make happy”, is addition.
The rumors aim at that Demi could have spent about 200,000 Euros in surgery, counting between their operations an increase of chest, a liposuction and a treatment for the face.
Nevertheless, it seems that Demi Moore will continue defendant whom he prefers to see itself “like a handsome woman of my age” before to try hopelessly to pretend 30 years. Like Madonna, only that the other way around.