Cradle in an original idea of American actor Vince Vaughn, “Couples Retreat” follows four pairs that embark in a tropical retirement of pairs located in the island of Bora Bora. Whereas one of the pairs, interpreted by actors Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell, strives to improve its relation, the other three are going to enjoy spa, to amuse itself in the aquatic motorcycles and to take advantage of rays sun.
In it films, Mulligan interprets a student who forgets his dreams to go to the university of Oxford when she knows a seducer who doubles to him in age. “From Mexico With Love” is another alternative. One is a romantic history on illegal immigration, fights and sacrifice, carried out by the Mexican Kuno Becker, that gives life to an agricultural worker with great liking by the boxing.
After undergoing abuses and being dismissed by his landlord, it decides to unite his forces with a trainer of the old school to face on the quadrilateral to the son boxer of his old employer. Other films that arrive at the rooms as of morning are “Free Style”, carried out by Corbin Bleu (“High Musical School”), Penelope Ann Miller and the Mexican Sandra Echevarría, and “Good Hair”, a work headed by the comedian Chris Rock on the evolution of the hairdo of the black population in the USA.