Century IV. Egypt under the Roman Empire. Violent turned around the religious ones in the streets of Alexandria reach to their legendary Library. Catched after her walls, shining Hipatia astronomer fights to save the wisdom of the Old World with the aid of her disciples. Among them, both men who dispute their heart: Orestes and the young Davo slave who struggles between the love that he professes to him privily and the freedom that could reach being united to the unstoppable ascent of the Christians.
Interview with Rachel Weisz :Acclimated in century IV d.C., the actress gives life in the film to Hipatia of Alexandria, an advanced philosopher opportunely, who wishes to learn before in the heat of training a family in a city dominated by the tensions between Christians and Jews decay of the Roman Empire. Married to director
Darren Aronofsky, with whom has a son, Harry, the interpreter confesses to feel “almost Spanish”.
QUESTION: How it prepared his personage in ´Ágora´?
ANSWER: Hypatia is an extraordinary woman, whom it prefers to study before to marry. I did not know anything of astronomy when I began the running, so I had to take some basic lessons. He was a quite comfortable personage. From the beginning I decided with Alexander who outside interpreted of a natural form, without stridencies. Nobody knows which was the behavior of these people in century IV and was absurd to try to know it. For that reason I interpreted to this woman of meat and bone as if it was breathing in front of us right now.
R: He is a fantastic man, has an incredible humanity. He is deeply respectful, but at the same time very hard, very surely of itself.
R: Alexander is very different, is a abierto man, nothing mysterious. He is not a director who hides nothing to the actors, says what thinks to you abiertamente, which feels, which wants. He tries to you like a collaborator. In addition, we have the same age, we thought similarity, we have been understood wonderfully well. With other directors there is certain hierarchy in the running, but with Alexander it has been different. He is a man of solid opinions but it does not impose its authority, deals with to you equal to equal.
P: What took as memory of this films?
R: The message on which all we must live in harmony with others, that there are to be tolerant, to respect the differences and to leave the violence to a side. And I am not a religious person.
P: The film concentrates in century IV d.C., but today in some countries the women are even citizen of second class.
R: If, that is a sad reality. In some countries the women do not receive education and I hope that this she films brings about a debate so that type of situations changes.
P: Is Hollywood a place where the women go an one step back of the men?
R: In the western world the women we lived wonderfully. It is certain that in Hollywood still there are no so many feminine scriptwriters as masculine. Lack to count histories from our point of view, for that reason this film is so interesting. I recognize that I was something sexist when reading the script because I questioned its reality, did not understand for the first time that did not want to be mother and to have children, but that is something that nobody never questioned to him to Leonardo l$da Vinci. personage interests to him plus his work that to train a family. What it really bothers me of Hollywood is that to the women it is not allowed them to age. As actresses we must have the right to appear with wrinkles in the screen.
P: It is going to return to work again with his husband?
R: If, I hope yes that.
P: You are a tolerant woman. He educates to his son like part of some faith?
R: Until now we have not taught anything to him that it has to do with the religion. I believe that it is important to learn something of all the religions, to study them, for my all are practically equal, unique the different thing is the disguises that use and by all means the words. In ´Ágora´ wonderful things on the Christians, the idea of Jesus to bless the foods are that come from the Earth is something gorgeous, was a radical idea in those times and it films is not an attack to the Christianity, but to the fundamentalism of the religions.
Naked integral
P: In the film she appears naked and I do not use a double, it did why it?
R: That scene had sense for me. It is important to appear naked if my personage, as in this case, is giving form to history with that moment. I have not tried to surprise the hearing, that was not what looked for. I did and it without one double one because, the truth, I do not have any problem to appear naked in screen.
P: When an actress has a scene of naked becomes very conscious from its body. It was put to diet during that DAS? , it made more exercise of the habitual one? , how I face that moment of films?
R: I make exercise regularly, so I did not have to make hours extra in the gymnasium. In addition as healthful and it does not interest to me to have legs
Jane Fonda type. My personage is a philosopher of year 400.
P: Also ´Lovely Bones´ releases the film, one of the most hoped of the year.
R: Yes, with
Peter Jackson, a director del that nobody has heard speak but that he is fantastic (it jokes). Peter is sensational, I rolled it to the tape before ´Ágora´, but as it has so many special effects have still not been released. It is based on a North American novel that counts the history of a family whose daughter is assassinated. From part of it films there is narrated by the girl in the sky and the other part from the Earth. My personage is in the Earth and still I have not had opportunity to see how the sky has represented Peter, so I am wishing to see the film because with his talent for the effects he is spectacular.
P: The maternity has changed to him like actress?
R: My heart has grown, so now I am more sentimental.